Fashion Made Its Debut In Multan

Fashion Made Its Debut
It 'was the avalanche of fashion in the southern Punjab, as a private university students dazzled the audience glamorous fashion show, which included designers from around the country.

Show, which was headed behind the seams, was the first of its kind in the history of southern Punjab, and consisted in the view of international cultures.
"There was a lot of different topics presented. Today we can see the magnitude of fashion design and modeling in Multan," said one teacher, Ali Imran.
In the middle of the conservative environment in southern Punjab, went the creativity, humor and some serious skills in project management as a tandem team of students have undertaken the task of creating their own fashion brands. Each team used the wealth of resources at hand to create, design and manufacture creations worthy podium. The script, choreographed and staged their own fashion show, with music, comments and their own models Catwalk picked.
Nouman, a student of design and fashion, said: "My collection is based on a safari theme I used palm leaves and skins of tiger and zebra .."
The show includes dance tunes. About 60 models made more than 12 topics including hummingbirds, Egyptian, Turkish and Chinese, the sub-continent, Sufism, Kailash, safari, Umrao Jaan Ada, the sea, a thousand and one nights, etc. are greatly appreciated by the guests, many of whom experienced an event of this nature for the first time in Multan.
Zubariya, another designer of the participants said: "I worked my Arabian Nights-themed collection for a long time I came in Bahawalpur, and is pleased to present my collection of Multan people here appreciated me very ..."
Local models were more than pleased with the public response. It was the first time that artists and models at a public event includes girls.
"I did the safari theme. Nouman Peerzada My designer was. It was a blast, I really liked. I hope that others liked," said Khan Zargia a model.
Students have demonstrated their value in the scripts and choreography successfully podiums and design of fashion design. This event marks a new era in fashion in southern Punjab, after the efforts of students who tried to make a difference in the perception of fashion in the region as well as a change in their orthodox values.